NaNoWriMo Cometh

NaNoWrIMo 2013


It’s that time of year again!

No, I don’t mean the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays or finals week crunch times that are slowly creeping up on us from out of nowhere. I mean those 30 days of literary abandon that are National Novel Writing Month.

I suppose in my case NaNo hasn’t actually come around for the past few years. What was so easy in high school seems so much harder in college, when there are major assignments, big job responsibilities, tons of fun stuff to do with friends, and a solid amount of sleep at night seems a lot more important than it did just a few years ago.

Attempting NaNoWriMo while in college is a big undertaking, but this year I am determined! I will overcome the obstacles and write a November Novel worthy of being extensively edited into something I can be proud of! I will manage to do this while graduating college, finishing up wedding plans, and getting (nearly) enough sleep!

It’s gonna be a hard, long, road. (30 days to be exact.) And I don’t want to do it alone! If you like writing at all, or like doing crazy things, join me! The Patriot Newspaper (I write for them, and you can read all of this semesters issues here) at The University of the Cumberlands is graciously sponsoring a Kick-Off party for anyone interested – for details look up the group UC NaNoWriMo on Facebook! Remember, the world needs your novel.